Herringbone Installation Guide - SPC Flooring

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Herringbone Installation Guide:


1. Getting Started
Choose a wall to start at and begin installing at the left corner. Start with a R−panel and place it with its long side marking facing the left wall at an angle of 45°. Make sure that the distance between the left wall and the panel is less than the length of one panel.



2.Connect next panel

Continue with a L−panel. Press the long side of the L−Panel at an angle against the short side of the previous installed R-panel. Fold down the L−panel flat to the floor to lock the panels tightly together. Check that the grooves on the two panels form a continuous line.


3.Connect additional panels

Next panel is a R−panel. Again, press the long side of the new R−panel at an angle against the short side of the previous L−panel and fold down.


4.Center the first row

Check that the first row of panels is centered along the starting wall. Make sure that the distance to the walls on both sides are less than the length of one panel. If not, add a panel at the right side.


5. Cut the end panels to size
Measure and cut the end panels to size using a fine toothed saw. Finish the first row with the cut end panels.Make sure that you leave a gap of 10mm to each wall.


6. Start the second row
Start the next row with a R−panel. Place the new panel against the previous row and fold down.   


7. Install the R−panels
Continue from the left to the right and install all the R−panels in the second row. Finish with a piece of panel cut tosize (step 5).


8. Continue with the L−panels
Now work in the opposite direction, from the right to the left and install all the L−panels in the second row. Finish with a piece of panel cut to size (step5).


9.Complete four rows

Install additional rows to complete four full rows.


10. Adjust the starting rows
The first four rows have to be cut parallel to the wall. Measure and mark where to cut the floor panels at a fixed ƒ parallel distance to the wall.


11. Dismantle and cut
Number the panels from 1 to X. This will allow you to keep the panels in order. Dismantle the panels and cut them to size along the previous marked line.


Alternative way to cut the first rows
Leave the left end−panels uninstalled. Tape along the marked line and place the flooring on top of a few flooring packages. Cut along the marked line. Then put the adjusted rows into place. Complete the first rows by installing the remaining end−panels. Start with the end−panel in the last row and finish at the first row.


12. Install the starting triangles
Connect the cut starting panels to form triangular shapes, one by one. Start installing the triangles from the left corner. ( It is recommended to use glue to fix the smallest parts of the triangles into place by applying a small quantity of glue inside the groove. )


13. Install a few more rows
Connect the triangles by installing a few additional rows of panels. Start each row from the left to the right with the R−panels, finish with the cut piece of panel (step 5) and then install all the L−panels in the row. 


14. Put in Spacers
Put in spacers between the flooring and the wall to ensure a expansion gap of 10mm.


15. Subsequent rows
Start each subsequent row by installing the R−panels from the left to the right and complete the row by laying the L− panels from the right to the left.


16. Last row
Measure and cut the panels in the last row to size.


17. Spacers and skirting
Remove the spacers and cover the expansion gap with skirting boards or beadings.

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